A typical week at my house with four guys and myself can lead to an endless amount of laundry. All of my guys know how to do their laundry, but among the chaos of everyone going their own way throughout the week, it has become easier for me to just do the laundry. Another reason is because I know that I will get very good tips while doing the laundry. I love that I still find money in their pockets! At my house the rule is that whoever does the laundry is the one who keeps the tips.
I am sure our family isn’t the only one with mountains of laundry. It can easily pile up at my house because I absolutely loathe folding clothes. I do not mind cleaning at all, but for some reason I dread folding clothes. Maybe it is the flashbacks of folding clothes every week with my Momma. Whatever the cause, I stood there tonight with yet another four loads to fold. While folding, I paused for a moment, and began to thank God for the people in my life who wear those clothes. The three boys I prayed so many childless nights for and the love of my life that God still has by my side. I think I even folded a shirt that belonged to one of my adopted kids. I also praised God for a Memaw and Pawpaw that still buy our clothes because we would not have so many without their help. I began to cry as I started another load. One day these loads will be a lot smaller because my boys will have their own homes and families. So, while I can, I will cherish folding our laundry and try not to complain so much about it.
God finds so many ways to remind us of how blessed we are because of His love for us. Rather it be our laundry or stretching our money out until the next pay day. He shows us time and time again that if we continue to seek Him and trust in Him, He is faithful and reliable. He is our Abba Father, and He wants to give us an abundant life. Full of many more piles of laundry.
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:18-20
How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, who seek Him with all their heart? Psalm 119:2
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you once again for reminding me of the blessings You have given me. Thank you for reminding me to stop complaining and to look at the bigger picture. The picture of Your love and providence in my life. The many people You have given me and have blessed me with because You love me. Help me to remain faithful in seeking You and serving You. Love, Me.