God’s Greatest Blessing to Me~My Husband, Waylon

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Psalm 138:1 “I will praise thee with my whole heart…”  Psalm 150:2, “Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!”  One of the greatest acts God has done for me is giving me my husband.  We will celebrate 21 years of marriage together in May, and have known each other for almost all of our lives.  During most of our married life I have seen more suffering and affliction in one person’s life than most in a lifetime.  Unfortunately, it has been to God’s greatest blessings to me, my Waylon.  Even though satan has tried to defeat Waylon through his health, his heart and faithfulness remains.  God has proven over and over that a man of God may suffer in this life, but he can stand firm in his faith and trust in God’s promise that in the end the battle is the Lord’s.  My Waylon truly amazes me though.  I get to see the little things no one else sees.  I don’t think Waylon knows I see them either.  I see the many times he prays for others he doesn’t get to see anymore.  I see the tears he cries for people he loves.  I see  and hear the times in the middle of the night he tries to walk to the kitchen and cook for us or wash dishes for me.  I see when he tries to alleviate some of my stress by straightening up the living room.  At this time, Waylon cannot stand with his walking cane for more than 10-15 minutes at a time.  The pain then wipes him out for hours.  The hurting is in every part of his body and there are many days during the week, he doesn’t get up except to go to the bathroom.  I do not know or understand sometimes why good people suffer, but I do understand that it is not God who gave Him this horrible disease.  It was a sacrifice that Waylon chose to do 23 years ago.  He chose to go and help in an evil war that man created.  You see God doesn’t create evil, satan does, and people choose to let it rule their lives.  Can God heal Waylon?   No doubt we believe this, but in God’s time and in God’s way.  Moreover, in Waylon’s sufferings, I have seen more want to know Jesus, I have witnessed 3 boys grow into amazing men of courage, and I have become more devoted to God’s agenda than ever before.  Of course, I would take away all of his pain and bear them myself if I could.  I pray daily for his healing to come.  But as Job suffered and still praised God, we praise God in the midst of our affliction.   I believe my life has truly been blessed through the faithful walk of my husband and I adore him for that.  There isn’t a day that goes by that I do not hear him say he loves me, that I am beautiful, and that I am so good to him.  God knows the truth though, it is Waylon that is good and beautiful.  I am able to accomplish God’s work because of Waylon pushing me on and lifting me up.  He is God’s greatest blessing to me.

Thank you God for blessing all of Your children.  Help us to count those blessings each and every day.  Help us to not take them for granted as we go through our busy day.  Love you Lord with all my heart.  Amen.

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6 responses to “God’s Greatest Blessing to Me~My Husband, Waylon”

  1. Wanda Smith Avatar
    Wanda Smith

    That hit home abt his health. With me hurting for the last 9 months, that’s something I needed to hear. I knw God is going to heal me on his timing. But how I wish at times it was now. But I’m standing firm on my Faith and give him all the Glory!

    Thank you for sharing!❤️

    1. Geneva Avatar

      I know it is hard not getting the answers and relief you want. Hang in there and be persistent in your asking. God will never leave you. Praying for your healing! Thank you for commenting! Love you girl.

  2. Paula Miller Avatar
    Paula Miller

    Thanks for sharing. I pray for y’all every day. 🥰

    1. Geneva Avatar

      Thank you so much for commenting and thank you for your prayers! We pray for you as well and your family! Love you.

  3. Phyllis LaRue Avatar
    Phyllis LaRue

    I love you and I am blessed just by seeing the way you love your family, the way you SHOW love for your family!!!

    1. Geneva Avatar

      I am blessed by your friendship and faithfulness to God’s kingdom agenda! Love you!